H.S. Course (Arts)
- English
- Modern Indian Language (Assamese/Hindi) or Alternative English
- Environmental Education
- Economics
- Education
- Political Science
- Advance Assamese/Logic&Philosophy/Mathematics.
A student can select a maximum of four elective subjects one of them being additional or a minimum of three.
H.S. Course (Commerce)
Core Subjects:
- English
- Modern Indian Language (Assamese/Hindi) or Alternative English
- Environmental Education
Compulsory Subjects (treated as elective subjects):
- Accountancy
- Business Studies
Third and Fourth Elective (any two):
- Commercial Mathematics & Statistics
- Mathematics
- Economics /Banking
T.D.C. (Arts)
- English (In 1st & 2nd Semesters)
- M.I.L. (Assamese/Hindi) or Alternative English
- Environmental Studies (Compulsory for 3rd &4th Sem)
- Economics
- Education
- Political Science
- History/Philosophy/Elective (Assamese or Hindi)
Vocational Subject:
- Information Technology
- Computer Application
Major Subjects:
- Assamese
- Economics
- Education
- English
- Hindi
- History
- Philosophy
- Political Science
(A student shall be eligible to offer one vocational subject in lieu of one elective subject).
T.D.C. (Commerce)