IQAC Proceeding 2019-20
AQAR Session 2021-22
AQAR Session 2020-21
AQAR Session 2019-20
AQAR Session 2018-19
AQAR Session 2017-18
AQAR Session 2016-17
AQAR Session 2015-16
Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning
PGDCA (Add on Course)
Class Routine 2021-22
Class Routine 2020-21
Class Routine 2019-2020
Class Routine 2018-2019
Academic Calender 2021-22
Internal Complaints Committee.
Extension Activities 2021-22
Anti Ragging Committee.
Programme Outcome, Arts, Commerce.
Feedback Report Departmentwise.
Feedback Report Departmentwise 2021-22
Scholarship Data 2018-2019.
Scholarship Data 2019-2020.
Proceedings 2018-2019.
Composition of the IQAC.
Quality initiatives by IQAC during the year( 2018-2019) for promoting quality culture
Physical Academic and Support Facilities 2019-20
Institutional Best Practices 19-20
Institutional Disstinctives 2019-20
Minutes of the IQAC and Action Taken Report Session 20-21
Minutes of the IQAC and Action Taken Report Session 21-22
Final Feedback Report ( 2020 – 21)
Programme and Course Outcome for Arts and Commerce Session 2020 -21 AND 2021_ 22
Innovative Eco-system : TATA sponsored students enrollment for recruitment
National and State Level recognition to our students
Workshops, Seminars and Conferences held during 2017-2022
Various activities and reports held during 2017-22
Seminar and Workshop activity report 2017-22
Green Audit Certificate
Beyond the campus environmental promotion activities.
Yoga Camp.
Activity under MOU with Grameen Sahara.
Action Taken Report on feedback analysis 2018-19 and 2021-22